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Welcome! 🤸‍♀️


See? That's me, in a GIF, showing you how excited am! I'm having so much fun writing these newsletters and it's a great feeling when someone new signs up. So, thank you for your time & attention.


From now on, you'll receive a Stretch Letter every two weeks directly into your inbox.

If you can't wait until the next one... check out the Archive for all past editions!

A quick favor before you go...

1. Go back to the e-mail you just clicked on with the subject line [📬 Confirm your subscription to Charlotte Grysolle]

2. Hit 'Reply'

3. Let me know who you are + what prompted you to sign up.

Even if it's just a couple of words - because by replying to the email, you're showing your mail server you're happy to receive my emails, and there's no need to dump them in your Spam folder.

Toodaloo! 🤸‍♀️
