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A Year of Creative Experiments - 2022 ✅

At the start of 2022, I made myself 1 promise: Every month, I will complete a creative experiment related to writing online. No guidelines, no expectations. As long as I'm trying new stuff, sharing online, and most importantly, feeling shy about it. (I got the idea after Scott

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Becoming a Citizen of the Internet

Thoughts after 2 intense weeks of OG writing course Write of Passage.

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The Single Best Tool for Self-Development?

You need to feel it to believe it.

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How To Make Your Life Storyworthy

Three activities + templates to find more meaning and expand your memory.

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The Power of Writing ‘For Your Eyes Only’

It might just lead to some of your best work.

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3 Epiphanies I Had When I Finally Started

For me, it was with writing. What could it be for you?

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3 Reasons Why Now Is THE Perfect Time To Start Writing Online

Money, future-proof skills and attitudes, and a creative outlet.

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3 Powerful Benefits You Can Achieve Through Long-Form Journaling

It’s hard to overstate the impact this will have on your life.

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Writers — Use These Frameworks to Break Through Your Mental Blocks

Sometimes a simple mindset shift is all it takes.

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The Push I Needed to Finally Start Writing Online

This is my very first blog post, on my own website under my own name. This might not seem very special in 2021, but trust me, it's a pretty big deal for me. It has been a long time coming and looking back, I can see how I